Thursday, February 17, 2011

Donations Appreciated

Today one of the most amazing things happened to me in my life as a Capsuleer. Someone donated me 100 million ISK. I have no idea who this pilot is. It might be a silly mistake, it might be a random act of goodness, it might be a generous alt of some friendly pilots. I don't know. So I sent him this:

I do not know you, I have no idea why you gave me 100 mill ISK - if it was a mistake or if it was of pure goodness. Whatever the reason I thank you very much. Since I am a poor pirate with few skills, other than for shooting at other ships, this kind of income is greatly appreciated.
I will add you as a contact with excellent standing and should we ever meet in space I will consider ransom already payed.
Fly safe and best wishes from Saftsuze.

PS: Should you ever feel the need to spread some more ISK love, my wallet is always open for donations.

And that PS applies to you, the reader as well.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Taranis to structure

Well, a few days ago i tried out a rather expensive shield Rifter. It blew up after an Enyo landed on top of me and another Rifter I had decided to engage without proper research or even a quick look through local... Not a good fight.

Today I did however meet an eager-to-fight pilot in a Taranis at a gate. And I thought: What the hell, why not try? And so I did. I was actually amazed by how the shield held for a long time (long in the context of a frigate fight) and I managed to get the Taranis into structure before my overheated guns had no more hull to hold on to and I had to start thinking about my clone instead.

Two expensive Rifters exploded without any kills - but one very good fight. Not too good, but I must say I like the shielded version a lot and will definately get another batch delivered to me.